Welcome to Anime-Jennie.com, please click on any of the menu items in the lower right to navigate the site. The original art section is for artwork created by me and the fan art section contains artwork drawn by me, but inspired by the work of others.

All artwork is copyrighted by their respective owners, so please play nice or don't play at all.

Constant problems for the last couple months with the site including losing information twice while moving from one host to another to another because of downtime issue at each host. We're now located on a new network on a stable server. Should hopefully have a good life at the current home. Don't blame me for the loss of a few updates and pictures as I had backups, just not the most current.

Re-Added contact page. -Please let us know what you think

New site in place :-D, Enjoy the new layout, it's a complete re-work from the ground up.


We have changed the theme and pictures for summer ;-)


corrected the dates of the last two updates... woops... I forget it's 2004 already.

New images and new color scheme have been uploaded... including a crappy work around for IE not displaying PNG images correctly.. still!

Hope you enjoy it.

The contact link has been replaced with a guestbook/comment area.

Leave your comments! cool!


WoW. new year!
Glad to see the hits increasing. Jenn is still working on the site, hopefully she'll get some new images up soon.

Major updates to the site recently. I love the new layout and the site is designed with php and more SSI to make it easier to maintain. Hopefully that will mean more frequent updates and more artwork.

You may also notice that alot of the older stuff is gone from the site. Some of it is still around, but has been moved to the "Bonus" section. Also, we've added an oekakies section under Bonus for those of you interested.
